I found out that they were coming to DeLand a few days ago on the radio! I wanted to go right after I heard it, but I had to wait until today. So we heard them wrapping up and was like, " C'mon they're wraping up we gotta go see them!" At first I was being a groupy and watching him. Then Connie, one of Mom's coworkers who came with us, kinda pushed me a little over to him. By the way that's Johnny! He is so funny! My favorite line from their radio station is from him; They were talking about how eating of of blue plates make you eat smaller portions and then he said, "Hey, that's blue plate!" I say it all the time and laugh every time I say it! They gave me free stuff too! A poster of the new movie Brave, a Johnny House mug, some pics of them in, what looks like a, Johnny House photo booth, an XL106.7fm cup and stickers and sticky notes and pens, and a Lipton 100% Natural Iced Tea coozy! I also met everyone else in the bottom pic. (From left to Right) Brian Grimes, Johnny Magic, Me, Connie,Laura Diaz, Claire Scatter, and Mom. The pic before last is one with Brian Grimes in front of everyone! Mom was taking the pic and I don't know where Claire Scatter was, but you could see everyone in that pic, everyone but me that is! I'm so short!!! Ya it was the best couple minutes ever!!! Although I guess he didn't hear me when I said my name, because he call me "Ricky!" I guess that can be my alias!
Oh and I didn't skip Tue-Thur I was just really excited and had to do this first, but I will do those days! Oh I also found out how to post pics, Mom finally showed me! Yay! I can post all my pics now!
fun!! :-D